zondag 27 februari 2011

op de valreep

So nice, from South Wales a Award of Fancy Vintage! Although my English is not the best of the world I do try! She has a lovely blog, and I really find it so Nice to get a award from over the Channel!
But I notice I just don't have the time to award other blogs. There are so many lovely blogs, but the award is for the ones most unknowend/just starting. Like mine, like i am((::  So this is the last one I accept (xx) with lots of love !!!! but I don't give it to another blog.
Fancy Vintage and of course, the lovely blog from Morganiet thankssssssssss!! Lot's of kisses and hope it is the start of a very long blog life!

Maybe it's an idea to give a blog you like a little attention in your own blog. I see it sometimes and always use the link.
some flowers for fancy vintage and morganiet!

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Ik snap je reactie heel goed Carolien. Het is een bijna onmogelijke klus om uit al die leuke blogs te kiezen.

    Bedankt voor de prachtige bloemen :)

  2. Thanks beautiful for the flowers, that's such a good idea!
    Well done, still loving your blog! Take care have a good week!


Ik vind het erg leuk als je een berichtje achterlaat!
Love it when you leave a message!